Pediatric Urology

Disclaimer: This section helps you understand common urological disease and their treatment. This information is for patient information and education only. Kindly consult your doctor for details. All the data has been sourced from the following sources: 1. EAU (European Association of Urology) Guidelines 2020. 2. NHS Guidelines 3. Campbell-Walsh Urology 11th and 12th edition. 4. 5.

  • Undescended testis (Cryptorchidism)

    Q 1. What is cryptorchidism? A. The failure of the testicles (or “testes”) to descend into the scrotum (the skin sac below the penis) is called “cryptorchidism”. It is also called having hidden or undescended testicles. The condition is generally uncommon but often affects boys born prematurely. Q 2. Why does it occur? A. As […]

  • Posterior urethral valves

    Q 1. What are posterior urethral valves? A. Membranes in the posterior urethra cause a narrowing of the passage way between the base of the bladder and the tip of the penis. It is seen with a frequency of one in 4000/8000 male infants. It may be diagnosed before birth may not become obvious until […]

  • Orchidopexy (bringing down of an undescended testis)

    Q 1. What does the procedure involve? A. This involves incisions in the groin and in the scrotum to bring the testis down into the correct position within the scrotum. Q 2. What are the alternatives to this procedure? A. Observation risks the development of cancer in the undescended testis, twisting of the testis in […]

  • Mitrofanoff procedure (catheterisable urinary stoma)

    Q 1. What does the procedure involve? A. This is a procedure to create a channel (for catheterisation) between the skin and either the bladder or a urinary reservoir. This is likely to be done in conjunction with another procedure (either enlarging the bladder with a bowel patch or creating a urinary reservoir). Q 2. […]

  • Congenital malformations

    Congenital Malformation in the Urinary Tract: Ureteral Duplication, Ureterocele, and Ectopic Ureter Q 1. What congenital malformations are discussed here? A. Development of the urinary organs before birth prepares the body to void urine. Sometimes those organs do not develop correctly, perhaps because of heredity or related to an unknown influence. The result is different […]

  • Congenital Hydrocele or Hernia Repair

    Q 1. What does the procedure involve? A. This involves drainage of a fluid sac surrounding the testicle via an incision in the groin. Any communication between the fluid sac and the abdominal cavity will also be tied off. Q 2. What are the alternatives to this procedure? A. Observation (the fluid may resolve with […]

  • Augmentation Cystoplasty

    Augmentation Cystoplasty (Enlargement of the bladder using a segment of bowel) Q 1. What does the procedure involve? A. This involves enlargement of the bladder through a lower abdominal incision by taking an isolated segment of bowel, and forming this into a patch that is sewn into an opening made in the bladder. It is […]