Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Q 1. What is Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?

A. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common male sexual disorder. It is the inability to get or keep an erection that allows for satisfying sexual activity. It can happen occasionally or regularly, with or without any clear reason.
Some men with ED are not able to get an erection at all.

ED is not a life-threatening disorder, but it can have a negative impact on your quality of life and that of your partner.

Q 2. What is an erection?

A. Getting an erection is a process that includes physical, hormonal, and psychological elements. The penis is made of soft, spongy, elastic tissue that fills with blood to make it grow in size and become rigid. Around the spongy tissue and the prostate, there are nerves that send signals so that the blood vessels supply the blood. These signals are controlled by the male hormone testosterone.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Q 3. How common is ED?

A. ED is a common condition in men of all ages and ethnicities.

The risk of having ED increases with age.

One in ten men will suffer from impotence and in diabetic men it is as common as 30%.

Q 4. What causes ED?

A. Risk factors for ED and cardiovascular disease (CVD) are similar. The most cases of ED result from a vascular

disturbance of the endothelium. Risk factors are such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Dyslipidemia
  • Nerve damage to the penis or the pelvic area
  • Pelvic surgery
  • Radiation therapy to the pelvic area
  • Low levels of testosterone
  • Neurologic diseases (e.g Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injury)

Psychological risk factors for ED

Several psychological conditions have been associated with ED. These include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Feelings of self-inadequacy
  • Low self esteem
  • Inability to describe emotions
  • Stress

Social ideas of how men and women are supposed to interact can also contribute to ED. These can include unrealistic expectations about love and sexuality, and inappropriate male and female role models.

ED is sometimes the cause and sometimes the result of unsatisfying or dysfunctional relationships. It is often difficult to find out which started first.

Cardiovascular disease and ED

ED and cardiovascular disease share common risk factors, like obesity, smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and lack of exercise.

ED can be an early sign of heart disease because problems with blood flow affect erectile function.

This is why men who experience ED should go to the doctor to get checked for heart disease.

Urinary symptoms and ED

ED is often associated with urinary symptoms, such as urinary frequency, nocturia, and urgency. Often these symptoms are related to benign prostatic enlargement (BPE). It is unclear if the urinary symptoms cause ED, but generally ED gets worse when urinary symptoms worsen.

Q 5. How do you diagnose ED?

A. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a problem that needs to be diagnosed correctly, to find what causes it so that you get the appropriate treatment.

Discussing ED with your family doctor or urologist may be uncomfortable, but it is important to do so. Together you can discuss which treatment is right for you.

Medical history

Your doctor will take a medical history to understand your general state of health. As part of the medical history your doctor will ask about any other conditions you may have. Your doctor may ask you:

  • If you take any medication?
  • If you smoke?
  • When and how much you drink?
  • If you drink much coffee or alcohol?
  • If you use recreational drugs on a regular basis?
  • If you ever had pelvic surgery?
  • If you have any heart and/or vascular problems?
  • If you have hormonal disorders?
  • If you have any psychological problems?

Sexual history

Your doctor will also ask you questions about your sex life, which could be very personal but are necessary for proper diagnosis and treatment. Some of the questions could be:

  • The status of your previous sexual relationships
  • Your current sexual relationships
  • Your current emotional state
  • When the erectile problems started?
  • How long have the erectile problems lasted?
  • If you have seen another doctor specifically for ED?
  • If you have received treatment for ED before?

Your doctor will ask you to describe the firmness and duration of your morning erections, and sexually stimulated ones.

The doctor will also ask if you have problems with arousal, ejaculation, and orgasm.

If you have a sexual partner, it may be useful to attend this consultation together.


Your doctor may ask you to fill out questionnaires, which are used to asses different aspects of your sexual health. The most common are:

  • The International Index for Erectile Function (IIEF)
  • The Sexual Health Inventory for Men (SHIM)
  • The International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS)
  • The Clinical Depression Questionnaire

Physical examination

The doctor will perform a complete physical examination, to check for abnormalities in the penis, scrotum, and testicles.

To check for heart disease the doctor will take your blood pressure, measure your heart rate, and order a blood test to check your level of cholesterol.

Your doctor will do a digital rectal examination to feel the size, shape, and consistency of the prostate, and if necessary, check the level of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in your blood.

To check for diabetes the doctor may order a test to measure the level of glucose in your blood. It could also be necessary to assess your testosterone levels in the morning. This is also done with a blood test.

Cardiac risk evaluation

Because of the relation between ED and heart disease the doctor generally does a cardiac risk evaluation as part of the diagnosis. Your doctor may refer you to a cardiologist for further evaluation.

Laboratory testing

Your doctor may order a laboratory tests to identify metabolic disorders underlying the ED.
Other tests

In some cases it may be necessary to do specific diagnostic tests. These may include:

  • A nocturnal penile tumescence and rigidity (NPTR) test
  • An intra cavernous injection test
  • Penile Doppler Ultrasound
  • Neurological tests

These are not common tests during initial diagnosis of ED and are only necessary if your doctor needs additional information to assess your personal situation.

If necessary, your doctor may refer you to a neurologist, a psychiatrist, an andrologist, or an endocrinologist for further tests.

Q 6. How do you treat ED?

A. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition. Although it is not life threatening, it can negatively affect your quality of life. Because it can be related to other conditions, such as heart disease, it is important that you get the right treatment. There are various treatment options for ED:

Education and couple assessment

Lifestyle changes

Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors (PDE5I)

  • Sildenafil
  • Tadalafil
  • Vardenafil
  • Avanafil

Topical therapies

  • Alprostadil

Vacuum erection device

Shockwave therapy

Intracavernous injections

  • Alprostadil
  • Papaverine
  • Phentolamine

Penile Implants

Q 7. What is Education and couple assessment?

A. An important part of treatment is understanding the condition and the consequences it may have on your intimate relationships. Your doctor will often recommend a combination of physical and psychological approaches to treat ED.

In the past doctors focused mainly on treating the physical aspect of ED. Nowadays, psychological and emotional aspects of the condition are also dealt with.

Treatment that includes psychological approaches has proved to be more effective than treating only the physical symptoms.

This approach has also shown to be effective in single patients, or in cases when the partner is not involved.
If you are in a committed relationship, it benefits your treatment if your partner agrees to the type of treatment, is aware of how it works, and you are able to talk about it.

Keep in mind that treatment is based on your individual situation and what may be helpful for others is not always helpful for you.

If you have other conditions that may be related to ED, your doctor will discuss referring you to a specialist for

assessment and further treatment.

Lifestyle advice

Improving your general health could help improve your symptoms. Your doctor will advise you to stop smoking, drink less alcohol, and exercise regularly.

Depending on your individual situation, your doctor may recommend that you adapt your diet. It is important to discuss this with the doctor first. As a general rule, try to have a varied diet which is low on sugar, salt, and fatty foods.

Q 8. What are the other treatment options?

A. Kindly refer to the respective sections for further details.

Sexual Health & Wellness