Adolescent Health

Disclaimer: This section helps you understand common urological disease and their treatment. This information is for patient information and education only. Kindly consult your doctor for details. All the data has been sourced from the following sources: 1. EAU (European Association of Urology) Guidelines 2020. 2. NHS Guidelines 3. Campbell-Walsh Urology 11th and 12th edition. 4. 5.

  • Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)

    Q 1. What is Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)? A. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is a potentially serious complication of fertility treatment, particularly of in vitro fertilisation (IVF). Q 2. What are the symptoms of OHSS? A. It is normal to have some mild discomfort after egg collection. If you are worried or develop any of the […]

  • Abortion care

    Q 1. What can I expect before I have an abortion? A. Your doctor should make sure you have accurate information about the abortion procedure. You should be given information on the different methods of abortion that can be used at your stage of pregnancy and the possible risks associated with them. You should be […]